Do you feel tired, struggling with losing weight, and frustrated with diets that just keep you feeling more tired? This is the plan that will help you lose weight, feel more energy and look younger without hours of exercise and crazy low calorie dieting. In just 3 weeks you will feel, see and reconnect with your fitness like never before. Your body will be stronger and you will feel so empowered that anything becomes possible.
Everything you need to get the best body ever is included in this package. No more gyms, hours of cardio or wasting precious time. Fun, efficient and EFFECTIVE!
Here is what you get:
✓ 3 weeks of personal coaching via email and two 30 minute phone/skype calls
✓ A full clean eating balanced nutritional plan, that includes all the superfood nutrition meals you need to stay energized and get through your whole day + a superfood protein shake supply for the full month.
✓ A full workout plan that offers results in just 30 minutes a day.
✓ Daily group support and challenges to boost your motivation, keep it fun, and inspire you to go all the way in achieving the best body you ever desired
Can you feel how sluggish you become when you over indulge for too long? Is it time for a reset and reboot? Maybe you need a whole new refresh to your operating system. This program detoxifies the whole body and in the safest way possible. It allows you to release toxin build up, excess fat, and heals the digestive tract and boosts your overall immunity.
Do you suffer from digestive ailments, chronic fatigue, depression, pain or hormonal imbalances? You most likely need a reset and this is the cleanse that gets the results you need, while nourishing and supporting the body. You don’t need to do water fasts. This fully comprehensive program relies on Whole Food, superfood nutrition while allowing the digestive system to release and detox the rest.
Here is what you get:
✓ A 10 day Detox and Cleanse kit, that includes everything to allow for a safe, muscle preserving and fat elimination method. You will release excess fat and not harm your muscle mass!
✓ 3 weeks of coaching via email, and 2 phone or Skype calls ( 30 minutes each)
✓ Group Support to help you every step of the way. Ongoing resources offered and unlimited ability to connect and learn more about your body and your health.
✓ A clean eating meal plan, superfoods for the whole 10 days, shaker bottle, measuring tape, and bag.
4 weeks to transform the 4 main areas of your life: Health, Career, Relationships, Finances
Tired of not getting to where you really want to be in life? Feeling stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed by not seeing change in your money, relationships and health issues? In four weeks you can bust through blocks, release the procrastination and transform your life. Each week we will focus on each area, set goals and get you moving through any resistance you may be struggling with. Your dreams are possible, and there is a way to move forward into the best life ever!
Here is what you get:
✓ 4 weekly one on one sessions (1.5 hours each) via Skype including the best modalities to address issues at the root cause.
✓ A plan of action each week that ensures you stay on track.
✓ Mind mastery instruction: tools you can use daily to master your mind and emotions.
✓ Weekly homework and counselling.
✓ My free ebook: Eat Fat Get Thin!
Pain is not fun, and your life really can be pain free. Heal your body and also release the emotional/mental tension that is contributing to your suffering naturally and safely.
Back pain, digestive pain, migraines, joint and tendon issues, chronic pain of all kinds can be healed naturally and most effectively with this integrated approach. I combine the best healing modalities in a individualized plan just for you.
Here is what you get:
✓ 3 weekly one one one sessions via Skype ( 1.5 hours each) using EFT, herbal and nutritional remedies (each where indicated).
✓ An individualized program that addresses the whole body, mind and soul connection.
✓ Email check-ins and support for the duration of the month.
✓ My free ebook: Eat Fat Get Thin!
My 7 week online course to a greater mind, a greater body and a greater life!
This is the best program you can experience to begin healing your body, resetting your metabolism, and re-patterning your mind for success. Bad habits don’t stand a chance when you commit to kick starting your health with me for 7 full weeks!
If you feel sluggish, overweight, chronically tired, emotionally drained, got a not so stellar lab report from your doc, or just feel stuck and challenged in life, then start here. This is a primer for living a whole life based on a whole superfood lifestyle, a whole powerful mind, and a whole luscious body. I give you all the best tools to conquer blocks, personal limited beliefs, and the means to heal years of neglect to your self care. You receive 7 full weeks of information, check lists, mediation tools, the best healing tools to keep you progressing and realizing a whole new way of life.
Week 1: The Clean Out
You will learn how to clear out and clean up all areas of your life. Making space is the first step to change and transformation. Included this week:
✓ Piera’s most powerful morning Lemon elixir recipe and protocol
✓ How clearing space will make space for what your really want and desire
✓ The Daily Energy Kick Starter Routine
✓ A powerful Gratitude Practice for manifestation of anything you want in life
✓ Weekly check list to keep you organized and on track.
Week 2: Morning Motivation Mastery
The first 30 minutes after you open your eyes in the morning are the most important make it or break minutes of your day. Learn how to maximize your efforts and intentions with these powerful tools and practices such as:
✓ Piera’s Magic Morning Ritual
✓ How to really set powerful intentions and achieve your goals every day
✓ How to set goals that get done!
✓ The best way to Visualize to achieve success in any area of your life.
✓ Piera’s “3 point Magical Morning Tapping Exercise” so you ignite your brain and mind first thing!
✓ Weekly check list to keep you organized and on track.
Week 3: Bedtime Bliss-out
The last 30 minutes of your day also offer a super critical window of opportunity to master your mind and improve your life. What you think about, and your emotional state before bed will affect your subconscious and quality of sleep. Learn how to powerfully take advantage of the last few hours of your day with these practices:
✓ “Piera’s Bedtime Bliss-out” – evening practice to powerfully program your mind for success
✓ The power of free writing and how to journal like a champ!
✓ The best breath work practices for mind mastery, nervous system health and deep rejuvenating sleep
✓ More visualization tools
✓ More intention and affirmation setting tools
✓ Weekly check list to keep you organized and on track
Week 4: The Power of Mindfulness in Achieving Your Goals
This week you will learn the best meditation, and mindfulness techniques around. These set the foundation for a life of ease and will teach you how to manage your stress. Great health demands ease and these are the practices you will learn to get your stress under control:
✓ The “Check In” how to tune in and master your internal state
✓ Mindful eating tools
✓ The benefits of Meditation in Motion
✓ How to get into and maximize your “Flow State”, a powerful mind mastery tool!
✓ Weekly check list to keep you organized and on track
Week 5: The best Energy Boosters on the Planet
This week is all about mastering your ENERGY! Having high energy allows you to not only get more done, but also gives you the best feeling states you could experience. When you feel good, life just has to be better. This week you will learn:
✓ The best foods to boost your energy and the the worst foods that zap it
✓ The best supplements to restore energy: a complete natural energy boosting protocol included
✓ The best exercise to boost energy and help you LOSE WEIGHT
✓ How to heal chronic fatigue
✓ The “Inner Smile” Meditation to support all organ systems in the body
✓ How energy healing goes deeply to heal the root cause of pain, illness and emotional stress
✓ A weekly checklist to keep you organized and on track
Week 6: Heal your pain naturally
This week you will conquer your pain and learn how to heal it by using your brain, natural whole foods, and numerous techniques and practices. You learn how important it is to address the causes that are beyond any structural physical issues you may be diagnosed with. Pain also resides in the mind! Included this week are the following:
✓ An Anti inflammatory Diet to reduce pain symptoms and prevent them all together
✓ The Best supplements and herbs to reduce inflammation and heal joints and ligaments
✓ The Mind Body Connection and how it plays a HUGE role in pain conditions
✓ Pain is a Powerful Signal and a Great Messenger (and why pain killers only kill the messenger)
✓ A Powerful Healing Meditation to Heal Pain, and balance the nervous system
✓ A weekly check list to keep you organized and on track.
Week 7: The Power of Play!
Making time for play is important to your health and wellbeing just as is what you eat, and how you move. We need outlets for creativity and just pure fun. This week you will learn how to incorporate play time into a busy schedule and the following powerful tools:
✓ Having an Artist Date with yourself
✓ The “Play Jar” exercise
✓ How to bring play into your day
✓ How play affects the brain and encourages your brain to grow sharper and healthier
✓ A weekly check list to keep you organized and on track