The 3 Most Important Tips Before you Start Any Cleanse!


By Piera B

Mind Motivation / 2 Comments

For the next 10 days I will be on a journey that is sure to change my life.  I’m doing the 10 Day Transformation cleanse and will be digging deep to realize my attachments and habitual patterns that are holding me back in life.

See, a cleanse isn’t a diet or a quick fix to lose weight.  This cleanse is about TRANSFORMATION.  It’s about getting real with our habits and what we think we need and what we actually really need in our lives.

My “why” for this 10 day  Transformation Cleanse is to let go of the need for caffeine, chocolate and sugar.  More importantly, also to become aware of my emotional attachments and habits that don’t truly nurture my highest good.

Like many of you know, I really maintain a pretty clean eating lifestyle so this isn’t going to be a big stretch for me.  But I do find I eat chocolate a little too often and I don’t like having this almost automatic habit of having to have it after dinner. Or reaching for it when I get stressed or triggered.

Also my love affair with coffee needs to be put to a final rest.  I keep going back to coffee and each time the rebound affect just gets me feeling sicker and sicker.

The other reason I am doing this is because as much as I love and promote eating organic, I sometimes can’t go all organic all the time.  Sometimes it’s the availability factor and other times it’s a price factor. I eat a TON of produce and that means lots of pesticides as well. So I need to flush out that crap literally!  Every time I do a cleanse it amazes me what really comes out of me. I won’t get into details but considering I eat clean 90% of the time, I still have toxic build up. So what about those that don’t eat clean or ever make the organic choice?  That’s kinda scary to me.

If you are one that hasn’t made whole unprocessed food living a committed lifestyle than I invite you to consider making some better decisions.  This is your health and the quality of your life really is determined by how you eat and take care of yourself.  For more information on how to start your own 10 day Transformation Cleanse click here and enter code:  pierab

My before Pics:


before transformation july 2015 before cleanse july 2015

Here are some cleansing tips for beginners and seasoned alike:

(Please note: Before you undergo a cleanse, make sure to get the ok and clear green go from your health practitioner and doctor before starting. This is especially advised if you have health conditions or are on medication.)


1) Before going all out on a cleanse, start weaning yourself off coffee, sugar and caffeine a week before you start. These are the 3 biggies that cause withdrawal symptoms.  If you drink coffee, have half regular and half decaf for a couple of days, then go to decaf for a few more days then go off it completely for the cleanse.  If you stick right through a cleanse you most likely will not want to go back to any type of coffee or caffeinated drink.

2) Before your cleanse also consider having a colonic and doing a fiber colon clean out. This will help encourage the old stuff to move on out.  You will feel less of the detox symptoms if you begin to gently cleanse out the colon.

3) Drink TONS of water throughout the cleanse.  If you drink a lot of water already this won’t be so hard and you may just need to increase it a bit.  If you aren’t a water drinker this may get tricky. So I suggest increasing your water intake at least a week before you start your cleanse. Gradually increase your water intake each day until you can get 2-3L of water in a day. This will help get your body use to drinking more water.  I suggest sipping small amounts during the day instead of gulping down half a litre in one sitting.  This will help you not be in the bathroom every 20 minutes as well.

So Day one has been pretty good. The craving for chocolate however is still nagging me but I’m sticking to this till the end. I’m committing to getting to bed a little earlier and taking extra time for stillness and meditation for the duration of this cleanse. I intend to let go of what I truly do not need in my life right now. And that goes beyond the Godiva truffles…

To your health and happiness always!

Piera B.



2 responses to “The 3 Most Important Tips Before you Start Any Cleanse!”

  1. Monica KM says:

    WAY TO GO!!!

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